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Do You Need a Firm or Soft Mattress? 3 Deciding Factors

Do You Need a Firm or Soft Mattress? 3 Deciding Factors
A good night’s sleep starts with the right mattress. The wrong bed can seriously affect your quality of life. Experts attribute many mental and physical problems to poor sleeping conditions.

You have many options when it comes to choosing a mattress. Brand, size, and even firmness can be the difference between a comfortable snooze and a night of tossing and turning. Go through these deciding factors to determine whether you need a firm or soft mattress.

What Position Do You Sleep In?

Did you know that your sleeping position says a lot about what kind of mattress you need? For example, back and stomach sleepers usually rest more comfortably on firmer beds. They need extra support to create an even sleeping surface and prevent back pain.

On the other hand, side sleepers should look into softer mattresses. These beds have more give, shaping to body contours better and providing support for the shoulders and hips. Of course, this isn’t a perfect science; still, you should consider a different firmness if you find your mattress uncomfortable.

Do You Sleep With a Partner?

When deciding between a firm or soft mattress, you should also consider your sleeping arrangement. Are you sleeping alone or with a partner? Couples that sleep together have different support needs than solo snoozers.

Soft mattresses may become uneven if one partner is much larger than the other. This imbalance will cause your bed to degrade faster than normal. Many couples choose to compromise, selecting a semi-firm mattress as the middle ground.

Do You Have Chronic Spinal Problems?

Your mattress should work for you, not against you. People with chronic pain and spinal problems need to be very careful about choosing a firm or soft mattress. If you live with conditions like scoliosis or arthritis, hard beds can aggravate your pain.

However, soft mattresses can also lead to sore muscles. Back and stomach sleepers need more consistent support than soft beds can provide. If you sleep like this and often wake up feeling stiff and unrested, you should select a firmer mattress.

Supernova Furniture Can Help You Decide Between a Firm of Soft Mattress

You should always test your mattress before making a purchase. Luckily, Supernova Furniture sells bedding in Houston at all our locations! Stop by our storefronts, including the newly opened location in Humble, Texas, to find your perfect mattress today.