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5 Signs You Need To Replace Your Living Room Sofa

5 Signs You Need To Replace Your Living Room Sofa

If you’ve had your couch for a long time, it can be challenging to make a change to a newer model. The average lifespan of a sofa is 11 years, but many homeowners hold onto their furniture longer than recommended due to emotional attachments. When should you replace your living room couch? There are issues like flat cushions, strange noises, or even bad odors, that it’s time to let go. Here are five signs you need to replace your living room sofa for people who need the push.

Flat Cushions

Your couch has probably seen a lot of love over the years, especially if you have a favorite spot. Continued use can flatten cushions and remove any existing lumbar assistance. Sofas are for sitting before anything else, so if your cushions and seating don’t provide support, you might need to consider finding a replacement.

Strange Noises

Hearing strange noises every time you sit is a telltale sign you need to replace your living room sofa. Creaking, squeaking, and cracking sounds coming from your couch all point to structural damage that could cause it to collapse. While you could try to repair the issue, sometimes getting new living room seating is a more cost-effective option. 

Bad Odor

Some materials hold on to smells easier than others and can affect the average lifespan of your couch. Lingering odors can impact your entire house if you’re not diligent about cleaning your upholstered furniture. This is especially true if you have children or pets that regularly use your sofa. If you have a scent problem that you can’t seem to solve, purchasing a new couch could be the solution. 

Distressed Fabric

Like odors, so many household factors can cause the material on your furniture to look distressed. Dull colors, frayed fabric, and large stains look bad and put a damper on the overall aesthetic of your living room. You can try spot-cleaning or reupholstering your couch, but if the issue is too sizeable to handle, getting a new one is your best bet.

Change in Style

What if you’ve just decided it’s time for something new in your living room and rearranging your furniture isn’t enough? People go through different seasons of life, which means that decor preferences often change. That boldly patterned sofa you bought years ago might still have a few years and was trendy in the past—but you’re looking for a new living room design. Refresh the look of your home with a new couch that looks great and showcases your unique personality. 

Your sofa should be a staple in your home, so make sure you have the right one for you. When you’re ready to replace your living room couch, check out our furniture store in Rosenberg, Texas. Stop by and let us fit you with your perfect couch.